Sydney Bluegum wide board floor bleached
Sydney Bluegum wide board floor original before LiteniT wood bleach

Sydney Bluegum wide board floor bleached
Sydney Bluegum wide board floor bleached

Bluegum flooring bleached with LiteniT
Bluegum flooring bleached with LiteniT 3

Bluegum flooring bleached with LiteniT
Bluegum flooring bleached with LiteniT 2
Sydney Bluegum was a popular floor 20 years ago. Red with the pale sapwood streaks though it.
Can Sydney Bluegum be changed to suit today’s decor?
Absolutely! With LiteniT wood color remover, the red is gone.
Then you can add color in the form of stains or washes to transform the whole look and feel of your space.
There is no need to replace the floor, you can transform it for a third of the price.
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